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Dr Seema P Uthaman
Vice Principal.

Dr Krishan Sony
Associate Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dept. of Psychiatry.
PGIMER, Chandigarh

Ms Manasi Jain
Clinical psychologist, former scholar.
Sir/Madam Why do some people get addicted to substances easily and others dont?"?" Answered by:Ms Manasi Jain
The risk of Addictions lurks for everyone. Although some people have higher chances of getting addicted than others. It depends on multiple factors. Some of them are Genetics: If you have a family history of addictions you are more likely to get one Environmental: lack of parental involvement or abuse/neglect increase chances of addictions, Peer pressure can lead a person to try hazardous and more addictive substances, and availability of alcohol or drugs in your social circle also increase chances of addiction Psychological: People with ‘negative emotionality’ that is people who experience negative emotions like irritability, anger, sadness has greater risk of falling prey to addictions. Psychological stress can also lead a person to try substances to feel relieved temporarily Age: Earlier the use, greater the chance of addiction. Adolescents and young adults (18-24yrs) are more likely to getting addicted to substances Type of Drug used: drugs like cocaine and heroine have severely painful withdrawal symptoms and so are much more addictive than alcohol Method of use: Drugs that are smoked or injected into your body tend to be more addictive as they directly go to the bloodstream and brain than those that you swallow where passing through liver can lead to some filtration Mental Illness: A person who is mentally ill is more prone to addictions and a person who is addicted are more likely to develop a mental illness or experience worsening of already existing symptoms
What is meant by withdrawal symptom? Does every one get withdrawal symptom after discontinuing from substance use? "?" Answered by:Ms Manasi Jain
Withdrawal symptoms are a combination of physical and mental side effects a person experiences while trying to either stop or reduce the use of the substance they have been using or are addicted to. These are usually unpleasant experiences which make it difficult to reduce or quit the substance. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms are nausea, vomiting, restlessness, tremors, disturbance in mood (irritability, depression, anxiety), lack of sleep, body pains, craving for the substance, running nose etc Withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person. The intensity and duration of the withdrawal symptoms depends on many factors like the genetic/biological makeup of the person, the type and time of drug abused, the age and psychological characteristics of the person. With the right medical support, it becomes much easier to deal with the withdrawal symptoms and there is a high hope for success in quitting the substance.
Institutions for Drug Demand Reduction Supported by the Ministry
The ministry supports organizations that work for preventive education & awareness generation on substance abuse, capacity building, treatment and rehabilitation. These organizations are:
Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCAs)
Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCAs) are de-addiction centres with inpatient facilities of counselling and treatment for drug dependent persons
Community Peer led Intervention (CPLI)
Community Peer led Intervention (CPLI) work with the community with youth volunteers for early preventive education especially for vulnerable adolescents and youth in the community.
Outreach and Drop in Centres (ODIC)
Outreach and Drop in Centres (ODIC) provides facilities of screening, assessment and counselling along with providing referral and linkage to treatment and rehabilitation services for drug dependents.
GEO Location
Ministry supported institutions providing Drug addiction counseling, treatment and rehabilitation and other facilities have been Geo-tagged to make their services accessible and easier to locate
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