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Welcome to Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan
Drug Addiction is emerging to be a serious concern in the country, especially in the younger generation leading to dangerous consequences not just for the person using drugs, but on the family and society at large. Drug abuse has resulted in an increase in crime rate and had an overall detrimental impact on society. Prevention has proven to be the most effective strategy to counter this problem.
The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal ministry for Drug Demand Reduction in the country and under its interventions it coordinates, implements and monitors several interventions like prevention, assessment of extent of the problem, treatment and rehabilitation of users, after care and follow up, dissemination of information among the public and generation of awareness in the community

To assess and know the magnitude of the problem of substance use in the country, a national level survey called 'National Survey on Extant and Pattern of Substance Use' was conducted to ascertain the proportion of Indian population using various substances and those affected by substance use disorders.
To tackle the issue of Substance Abuse and a vision to make India Drug Free, Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) was launched on 15th August 2020, in 272 Districts identified as most vulnerable in terms of usage of drugs in the country. These vulnerable districts were identified on the basis of findings from the Comprehensive National Survey and the inputs provided by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).

Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign is a three-pronged attack combining the supply curb by Narcotics Control Bureau, Outreach and Awareness and Demand Reduction effort by Social Justice and Empowerment and treatment through Health Department.
Implementation Structure

The identified districts will take the lead in the implementation of the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan through the District Level Nasha Mukt Committees constitutes specially for the Abhiyaan. These committees will be headed by the District Collector/Magistrate who will along with other members will chart out the plan for the implementation of the Abhiyaan in their respective districts in their District Level Action Plan.
The State Level Abhiyaan Committees will monitor the Abhiyaan activities of all the selected district in their state. The committee is chaired by the Principal/Chief Secretary of the department implementing drug prevention programmes in the state. The State Level Abhiyaan Committee will be essential in monitoring the activities of the district level committees and providing them support and guidance.
The Abhiyaan will be monitored at the central level by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment through the multiple mechanisms that have been set in place and also through the State Coordinators of the Project Monitoring Unit.
District Level Nasha Mukt Committees

District Level Nasha Mukt Abhiyaan Committees, chaired by the District Commissioner/Magistrate and comprising of representatives of stakeholder Ministries like Health, Education, Women & Child, NCB, Police and organizations working in this field has been made in-charge of implementing and monitoring the Abhiyaan activities in their districts. These committees are responsible for the preparation of the action plan and steering the Abhiyaan in their districts. Master Volunteers who are vital elements of the Abhiyaan will also be selected and monitored by the District Level Abhiyaan Committees.

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